How to Care For Your Breasts
Which bra to choose?
No matter how beautiful a woman’s breasts are, without proper support they’ll fall noticeably within 5-10 years. The heavier the breast, the more support a bra needs to have.
When choosing a bra, you should start with your bust measurement to get the correct width. If a bra is too tight, it will press the side wiring into your breast glands, which can cause pain and irritation. If a bra is too wide, it can sink down in the front and get pulled up in the back. You have to be careful about cup size as well. A bra cup that is too large won’t support your breast glands and allows your breasts to take whatever shape is most comfortable for them.
A woman whose cup size is above a C should never forgo wearing a bra, even at home. A larger cupped bra should also have a tougher, wider strap. The straps should be short enough that it feels like your breasts are being supported by the bra. We recommend balcony type bras as these ensure a beautiful shape and strong support for your breasts. In your free time, you should switch your underwire, cupped bras for a sports bra, still making sure that it has good, strong support for your chest.
Your bra shapes your breast
Photo: The anatomy of a normal breast.
The larger the breast, the more effect gravitation has on it and the faster it can become deformed. That’s why proper support is very important. Correcting a deformed breast can mean noticeable scarring. You should pay particular attention to proper breast support during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Bras, especially sports bras, should be worn 24/7 during these periods.
The position of your breast in the bra is just as important. Our bodies take the shape that we enable for them. Just as a corset shapes your waist, a bra shapes your breasts. So if you have rounded breasts, you should wear a rounded bra. Many younger women do a huge disservice to their breasts. When you press developing breasts into a push-up bra, you put pressure on the glands at the bottom of the breast. This can result in a triangular (tubular) breast shape. And that means the bottom third and fourth quadrants of your breasts don’t develop normally. We have noticed a growth in the number of such patients at our clinic in the last few years.
Photo: A tubular breast. The outer line marks the shape of a normal breast.
An adult woman’s breasts also change their shape. By carelessly throwing on a bra for years and years, we are constantly pressing our breasts into the wrong shape. Thus our nipples can move downwards just from wearing the wrong underclothes. So when you put your bra on, you have to make sure that your nipples are set in the center and are pointed forward. A surprisingly large number of women forget about this rule as well.
Satisfaction with one’s breasts can change a woman’s general self-esteem. This is proven by the high percentage of satisfied customers who have had breast surgery – they have changed not only one body part, but their overall figure. And thus, dear women, take good care of your breasts!
Breast augmentation
Duration: 1 hour