Weekend Facelift
Today’s pace of life requires equally prompt surgical solutions. Patients of aesthetic surgery simply cannot afford long recovery periods. This also explains the growing trend at Christinas Clinic to place facial threads.
Facial threads offer fast solutions
Facial threads are a convenient alternative to facelifts, the recovery from which limits the active lifestyle significantly. This is why thread lift has gained its pet name “weekend facelift” – one can firm the skin and the underlying tissues at the end of the working week and return to everyday life at the beginning of the next.
The procedure suits best those patients who desire to smooth out the signs of aging without undergoing a surgery. Christinas Clinic’s manager Brit-Carmen Norlan finds this to be a very convenient solution indeed: “No large wounds or scars accompany, the procedure is safe, the recovery fast and the result impressive. A fresh and rested look can be achieved almost effortlessly.“
Facial threads, however, do not fit everyone’s needs. “Certainly, they are not suitable for treating large surpluses of skin – then a facelift should be favoured. But we are here to discuss such options with our patients,” Norlan encourages both younger and older patients to visit the clinic for a consultation.
The threads can be re-tightened years later
Christinas Clinic uses the innovative products of Thread & Lift. The clinic’s surgeon Dr. Rainer Velbri says threads have been used for years for skin tightening, but notes that the results were not always as good as expected. Recent developments have, however, offered positive surprises for Dr. Velbri, “Today we can confirm that Thread & Lift products meet our highest requirements for quality.”
The procedure itself is simple and lasts for about an hour. Special threads with cones are inserted through small incisions and pulled back to lift the face. The cones get fixed in the soft tissues and allow tissue growth in and around them, creating a special anchoring mechanism. The cones absorb after some time, but the tissue helps knotted threads to stay fixed even later.
The uniqueness of Thread & Lift products lies in their long-term efficacy. “If the effect of threads usually lasts for about 3-4 years, then with re-tightening the lifetime of the threads can be further extended,” Velbri is satisfied with this unparalleled feature. “In this way the need for a facelift can be postponed to a later future.”
Also, patients have given positive feedback. Fast recovery, lack of pain and natural results are common responses, and aspects that are greatly appreciated by patients.
Attention! This is a healthcare service. Christinas Clinic is licensed by the Health Board, permit L04361 (CBF Medical OÜ). The operations and procedures are performed by healthcare professionals.
Thread lift
Duration: 1-2 hours